Learn Alexander Technique
An Audio Gift – Exploring Whole Body Awareness
It's Christmas, so I would like to offer you a gift - a short audio clip that I recorded that you can return to as often as you like. The ability to 'Come to quiet' is an essential aspect of the Alexander Technique, and each week in the group that I have been running,...
Benefits of Alexander Technique Group Classes
Alexander Technique group classes may suit some people better than more traditional one to one lessons. This blog describes some of the reasons why
Improving Strength with the Alexander Technique
Strength training can leave you feeling sore, tight, heavy-legged or lighter, springier and livelier depending on your approach. Here’s my thinking on the subject. Strength does not always work in our favour I recall being at a conference some years ago. Sat in...
Three Things I Have Loved About 2020
Having such loyal clients is top of my list of the things I have loved about 2020. Have a read to see what the others are.
Free Online Alexander Technique Classes This Week
A daily dose of Alexander Technique inspiration. Don’t miss it, it will be over in a week.
Coronavirus and the Alexander Technique – An Update
Current thoughts on the Coronavirus situation, some options for the future and an invitation to experience the benefits of the Alexander Technique online.
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