Learn Alexander Technique
Time For Change – Online Alexander Technique Lessons
To honour the advice about social distancing, I am no longer teaching in person. However, I am currently doing some training to teach online with an Alexander Technique teacher called Mio Morales. He developed a version of the technique that he calls ‘Primal...
Is The Alexander Technique Really About Standing Up Straight?
It’s a myth that the Alexander Technique is about standing (or sitting) up straight. What we are aiming for is ‘doing what we do well, efficiently, effectively, fluidly, comfortably, and pleasurably’.
Is The Alexander Technique Really About Posture?
It’s a myth that the Alexander Technique is about posture, so why do I use the term in my marketing materials and discussions? This blog explains.
Combating Loneliness and Loss of Independence with the Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique is well known for improving posture as well as for relieving back and neck pain. What is not so well known is the wide-ranging practical help it offers. This blog focusses on how it can help combat loss of independence and loneliness.
A Little Relief From the Stress of Christmas
If Christmas is stressing you out try these Three Magic Questions, inspired by the Alexander Technique, to help you leave the worry behind and enjoy the celebrations
Strange Things My Clients Say That Make Me Smile
It is hard to explain what happens in Alexander Technique lessons. For anyone who has not yet had lessons with me, I hope that reading this blog offers you some insight.
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