by Bridget Barr | Mar 30, 2020 | Alexander Technique
To honour the advice about social distancing, I am no longer teaching in person. However, I am currently doing some training to teach online with an Alexander Technique teacher called Mio Morales. He developed a version of the technique that he calls ‘Primal...
by Bridget Barr | Mar 11, 2020 | Alexander Technique, Posture
Bruce Fertman is a colleague whose work I love. He writes beautifully, capturing the subtleties of the Alexander Technique in a way that most teachers, including me, rarely do. He recently published an article on ‘The top ten myths about the Alexander...
by Bridget Barr | Feb 28, 2020 | Alexander Technique, Posture
Photo: B. Fertman Bruce Fertman is a colleague whose work I love. He writes beautifully, capturing the subtleties of the Alexander Technique in a way that most teachers, including me, rarely do. He recently published an article on ‘The top ten myths about the...
by Bridget Barr | Jan 24, 2020 | Alexander Technique, Older People
The Alexander Technique is well known for improving posture as well as for relieving back and neck pain. What is not so well known is the wide-ranging practical help it offers. This blog focusses on how it can help combat loss of independence and loneliness. Combating...
by Bridget Barr | Dec 18, 2019 | Alexander Technique, Stress
I posted this blog last Christmas and think it is so useful that I decided to repost it. Three Magic Questions Turkey not cooked, gravy turning into a lumpy mess, late for a party or guests late? Just a few of the things that might leave you feeling stressed over...
by Bridget Barr | Nov 11, 2019 | Alexander Technique, What happens in Alexander Technique lessons
‘My brain hurts.’ This is probably the thing I most love to hear my clients say. Why? Because it means they have understood the emphasis the Alexander Technique puts on thinking: they are learning to ask their body to do something instead of trying to force...
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